Expanded goals
visualizing big goals stretches your current reality just like an inflated balloon will never return back to its original state.


I see goals like balloons. When you stretch your imagination and then deflate back to reality, just like a balloon it will never be quite the same shape again.

When we dream and push the boundaries of our understanding, we are at the exact same time stretching our perceptions of our current reality.

1. The BIG down.

Years ago now, I was lucky enough to have a daydream, that stretched my imagination. I dreamt what it would be like to win the lotto and have $120,000,000.

I initially dreamt of travelling and partying in all the coolest places in the world, with all the best toys. Then I realised that I’d soon get bored of that. Once you have a Ferrari you kinda loose the desire to have a Ferrari, you move on to the next thing.Dream Big

I started thinking beyond just having nice things and socialising, to what would actually be fun or be of value to the world.

I could give my money away. But that is only a short term solution.

How could I make an actual difference to the world? How could I make the world a better place?

Global warming was a big news then. I thought how could I put my money to good use, and help save the planet. There is no bigger goal than that right?

I quickly realised that $120,000,000 wasn’t going to cut it. I needed more!!! I realised that I could invest it. Get a nice return and grow my fund. I could use a bit of the gains to buy up rainforest systematically (or used up land and replant) and that would start the trees sucking carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. Year on year I’d buy more land and after a generation or two I’d be able to put the world right.images (1)

Then reality kicked in. I was broke in a new country and struggling to survive. But this idea never left me.

Because my mentality had been expanded, to investing in companies, and saving the world. Something had changed in me. I realised that I could actually do it. The only challenge was to get $120,000,000

I had set my big goal but there was no way to get there. No path not even the remotest idea of where to begin.

But in that challenge the answer was there. Where do I begin?

2.The small up.Goals-big-and-small

I was immensely lucky, the job I had at the time was a 9 to 6 or 7 sales job. Which I hated. Not because of the job, it was just the fact I had to be somewhere between 9 and 6 every day. No freedom. (I actually work way more hours now)

In that challenge I knew I had to get a better job. But one that got me lots more money and freedom.

My first small goal was set. I want better, because here is not what I want.

I hope you’re seeing a bit of a pattern here. There are top down goals and bottom up goals. And somewhere in the middle they meet.

The big goals direct the small goals, and the small goals are always only one step beyond where you currently are.

My small goals where literally I want better, I better start looking around for something better.

Over the coming weeks I will be expanding on goal setting and getting into the specific’s, emotions, visualizing a attraction.

Please let me know what you would do with $120,000,000?images


2 Replies to “”

  1. As you have written I would go for the global -tackle the deforestration/biodiversity: research the ways like- – try to purchase the land [like was done in Chile] – develop ways to scare out big machinery where there should not be any [rain forest] drones attacking the cars or cruising missiles listening and lead by the saw sound/heat – stop human population growth – viruses?, promotion?, shocks?

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