The Difference between success and failure is enthusiasm.


The people who love what they are doing, are getting ahead and that is because that is what they want to do. They enjoy overcoming challenges and seeing what they are capable of, or they feel that they are making a difference to the world. But what do they have that we don’t? Why do they like what they are doing and we don’t?

What is enthusiasm???????????? Is it this esoteric thing that bestows enjoyment on you, or is it something you can cultivate????? We have all experienced it at one time or another, but how can we get more of it?

Let’s start at the start. This is literally the most important blog post you will ever read!!!!!  This blog post will show you how reality “really” is, how to manipulate it and change everything in your life with one simple word. ENTHUSIASM.

What is reality? Reality is literally what ever we say it is!!! You say “that is a table”, someone else will say “it’s a bed”, if that is what they have been taught all their lives. Someone else, will say, “Its wood”, or “it’s ugly”. Really think about this for a second. Who says that anything is what it is? As a group of people we agree a certain term for something and then that term becomes what it is called from then on in. If you break everything down to its simplest components, reality is just energy (atoms are just energy) that is really all we can say anything really is. But what does all that mean, basically it means that reality is what we say it is. If enough people agree that something is something then it becomes a fact. This means we can manipulate reality to whatever we want. Call a cow a dog and a horse a cat if you like. Whatever story we want to tell, we can tell. It may not be effective in life but we have the power to do that.

But what does all that really mean. Not a whole lot until you put it together with this. There is no good or bad in reality. Good and bad is just a human construct to describe pain a pleasure. Someone will have a car crash and say it’s the best thing that ever happened them, because it made them realise that they want to live life to the fullest. Whereas someone else will say it ruined their life… what makes it good or bad is the story we tell ourselves. Just like reality, we can change that story to whatever we want. Lots of successful business people will tell you that the failures they had starting out in business, taught them the best lessons to become successful. All business people who fail will have the exact opposite story. The successful people just changed their story and learnt the lessons that where presented to them and moved on turning a challenge into a success.How to be happy

I’m sure you have heard that positive people succeed more than negative people. Positive people just know how to manipulate reality to what suits them. Essentially they just say the story that gets them to where they want to be, rather than the story of why they cannot get to where they want to be.

But what is positive and negative? Think about this for a second!!! We all know the terms but very few people actually know what positivity actually is. It is an abstract term and the abstract terms of positive and negative are keeping people paralysed. They are saying I want to be more positive (which is a negative term) or be positive, be positive, be positive, but that is negative also.

So what is positive and negative? Imagine this for a second, Imagine a person in front of you that you completely love, you want the absolute best for them. How would you speak to them? Would you say you’re an idiot or would you say you’re great? How do those terms feel to you now? One is painful and one is nice. How do you speak to yourself? Positive and negative are actually abstract terms for love and fear. When you say to that person you love “you can do it” you are loving them you are seeing them for what they are really capable of. What happens if you say “you can’t” you are fearful because you believe that they MAY!! Get hurt, or you’re seeing them through your own fears of not being good enough.

Positive and negative are Love and Fear. If you speak with fearful language it’s always pulling away. I’m afraid of that thing over there! Loving language is I’m curious about that thing over there. It is the exact same situation but the different words completely change the reality of the situation.

The language we use changes how we feel and as a result either makes us fearful or loving. What sort of language do you use? Does it tear you down by focusing on what you can’t do, or does it build you up by focusing on what you can do? There is always a positive to every single Achievementsituation. Stop now and think about a negative situation you have in your life, that you want to change, and make this statement to yourself. “I know there are some positive aspects to this!! What have I learned? How have I grown? and how can I take charge of my life to make this situation better” stick at it until you start finding something loving, positive and at that point you will know how to literally manipulate all of your reality, to what you want. You will be a positive (loving) person to yourself? How are you going to start talking to yourself now? Are you going to talk to yourself like you hate or love yourself? Now you know how to be nice to yourself, you were able to put that person in front of you and talk nice to them? So now you know how to build yourself up.

I told you this was the most important post you will ever read. Imagine now you literally know that reality is what you say it is, you have learnt how to love yourself (literally talking nice to yourself) you have learnt that you can change every situation into a positive, so now you are the master of your own universe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How is that making you feel now?

What does all that have to do with enthusiasm getting you successful? Now that you are master of your universe do you feel more enthusiastic about life? Do you feel more capable? Essentially I’ve been manipulating your mind this whole post. Sneakily I’ve been proving to you that you can, you can, you can, you can do it! How does that feel? How is hearing “you can” making you feel now? I’m positive that it is making you feel good. Are you feeling good for your future? That is what enthusiasm is, it is feeling good now, for what is coming in your future. Imagine you at Christmas, you wrote your letter to Santa and got excited, you put the decorations on your tree and got excited, you counted down your days and got excited. Essentially you were checking off the things that got you closer to your goal and that got you excited. You loved life…. And that is a really important statement “you loved life” you loved every part of it. So loving life is actually what enthusiasm is. It is love in action. How much energy do you get from loving what you do?

Now the serious bit. Are you doing what you love, because if you are not, you dread (fear) going in to work, you dislike the people, atmosphere, buss, whatever. Either way that fear is pulling you back from what you do not like, and that takes energy. How has this one paragraph hit you? Do you feel more or less energy now than you did a couple of seconds ago?  Can you feel how your language is changing your energy, enthusiasm and life?

More seriousness. How are you to succeed in a job you do not like, if your body is literally fighting against its self? How can you get ahead in that sort of state? To put it simply you can’t. There is someone out there with enthusiasm, for what they are doing, and they are going to sail right by you.

The shit has really hit the fan now!!!!! But remember all that we have learnt. You are the master of your reality you can write it any way you want. How can you start talking nice to yourself now, to make yourself feel more energised and enthusiastic now? How can you start steering your ship to a destination that you want?????????? What questions do you have to ask yourself to get you bouncing out of your seat?happy-baby-turtle-is-happy

This is the exciting stuff now. We are really going to mess things up now. What is success? Money, fame, achievement, remember you can manipulate everything to what you want. Success is what you say it is, because success is a feeling. We have all heard of famous people killing themselves, rich people being unhappy, and met high achievers who were miserable. Success is an emotion. You can feel successful by climbing the stairs, coming up with a great idea, or by fixing something. You feel like a success by the story you tell yourself. How have you succeeded today have you put on your clothes the right way for the millionth time in a row? Success like reality is what we say it is!!! Say this… “I am successful!” what do you not believe it? Then say this “I am successful at something” “I have successfully done something’s today” this is completely true “You are a success”!!!!

They say success breeds success and it does. If you focus on your wins, each day, how will you feel? Better or worse about yourself? I’m sure it’s better… do you want to talk to losers who moan? Not me anyway. So if you’re focused on your wins and you feel better what sort of people would you like to hang around with? I’m pretty sure it’s the same sort of people as you?? And they will want to talk to you also….. This is the law of attraction at work. Success attracts success, you attracts success by focusing on what you want and manipulating reality to what makes you feel good, this makes you enthusiastic for life.

Enthusiasm is loving what you are doing now, so that you can get what you want in the future. Just like saving for a holiday.  It may be hard putting that money away each week, but it makes you feel good now watching it grow for that reward in the future. Being enthusiastic every day for your life literally brings opportunities to you, because you attract people that are like minded and will move you towards the life of your dreams. How do you become enthusiastic every day is by focusing on the positive (using positive (loving) language)(loving yourself) manipulating reality to what you want (which is focusing on your successes) each day by learning from every situation.nothing-is-so-contagious-as-enthusiasm

What is your focus going to be from now on? Every day in every way I’m noticing more and more success? Every day in every way I’m becoming happier and happier? Imagine walking around saying the word success what are you looking for? Your reality will start to change… Look around your room now and say success in your mind over and over and look at what pops out to you. What did you notice? I’m sure you seen something that reminded you of success… but this is the important thing…. While you were saying “success” you automatically delete everything that has nothing to do with it. Your reality is literally changed by what words you’re constantly saying to yourself. Are you saying you’re a winner the world will reflect that you will literally be searching for the things that prove that. This is a huge statement “what you focus on you get more of” if you’re saying the word red over and over you’re going to get red. If you say not poor what are you going to get? You’re going to get poor, poor, poor. What will happen if you say rich (which is what you really want) you will get rich. What you say you get more of. You do not get what you want by focusing on what you do not want you get what you want by saying over and over what you do want. I am becoming happier and happier every day I’m becoming wealthier every day. Just be careful that the words your using make you feel good, enthusiastic and energetic. Don’t get caught with out with statements like I want to be rich because that statement isn’t finished it has a but at the end of it I want to be rich “but I’m not” say I’m working on a new exciting job or I’m saving more and more money I’m becoming wealthier and wealthier. They are progressive statements.Challenge-Accepted-2f2xs0v

I see learning this like skipping a stone on water. You get it, then habit kicks in, and you forget it, but then you get it, then forget it, and get it, and forget it, then eventually your new habit is formed and it sinks in fully. If you read this post often you will get “it” more and more every day and you will get everything your heart desires.

You can literally manipulate reality now, to whatever you want. You are a Jedi of the world around you. So what is the future you’re going to create?

Please leave a comment on your new amazing enthusiastic life I’d love to hear it.